Chip 1997 December
CHIP Turkiye Aralık 1997.iso
INI File
277 lines
n1=; this section deals with "bot lite"
n3=#bot on
n4=on 50:TEXT:.kickban*:?:{
n5= if $ulevel != 60 {
n6= if $2 = $null { raw q- PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .kickban <nick> <reason>, <reason> is optional | halt }
n7= if $3 = $null set %reason Requested
n8= else set %reason $3-
n9= botlog $nick Kick-Ban $2 ( $+ %reason $+ )
n10= if $2 = $me { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Duh... hey Marge, I think I'll ban myself today | halt }
n11= if $a2($2) = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on | halt }
n12= %m = 0
n13= :nx
n14= inc %m
n15= if $chan(%m) != $null {
n16= if $2 ison $chan(%m) {
n17= if $ismaster($2,$chan(%m)) {
n18= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : $2 is in my userlist as a master or bot
n19= }
n20= elseif $me isop $chan(%m) {
n21= mode $chan(%m) -o+b $2 $a3($2)
n22= kick $chan(%m) $2 %reason
n23= rtb $a3($2) $chan(%m)
n24= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : kick-banning $2
n25= }
n26= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : I see $2 $+ , but I'm not opped on that channel
n27= }
n28= goto nx
n29= }
n30= halt
n31= }
n33=on 50:TEXT:.kick*:?:{
n34= if $ulevel != 60 {
n35= if $2 = $null { raw q- PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .kick <nick> <reason>, <reason> is optional | halt }
n36= if $3 = $null set %reason Requested
n37= else set %reason $3-
n38= botlog $nick Kick $2 ( $+ %reason $+ )
n39= if $2 = $me { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Duh... hey Marge, I think I'll kick myself today | halt }
n40= if $a2($2) = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on | halt }
n41= %m = 0
n42= :nx
n43= inc %m
n44= if $chan(%m) != $null {
n45= if $2 ison $chan(%m) {
n46= if $ismaster($2,$chan(%m)) {
n47= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : $2 is in my userlist as a master or bot
n48= }
n49= elseif $me isop $chan(%m) {
n50= kick $chan(%m) $2 %reason
n51= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : kicking $2
n52= }
n53= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : I see $2 $+ , but I'm not opped on that channel
n54= }
n55= goto nx
n56= }
n57= halt
n58= }
n60=on 50:TEXT:.nick*:?:{
n61= if $ulevel != 60 {
n62= botlog $nick Change Nicks (to $2 $+ )
n63= nick $2
n64= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Attempting to change my nick to $2
n65= halt
n66= }
n68=on 50:TEXT:.op*:?:{
n69= if $ulevel != 60 {
n70= if $2 = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .op <nick> OR .op <nick> <channel> | halt }
n71= if $a3($2) != $null botlog $nick Op $2 ( $+ $a3($2) $+ )
n72= else botlog $nick Op $2 (no address for $2 $+ )
n73= if $a2($2) = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on | halt }
n74= if $3 != $null {
n75= if $me !ison $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm not on $3 $+ !
n76= elseif $me !isop $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Sorry, I can't help you because I am not a channel op on $3
n77= elseif $2 !ison $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not on $3 $+ !
n78= elseif $2 isop $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is already opped on $3 $+ !
n79= elseif ((%bitch [ $+ [ $3 ] ] ) && ($notop($2,$3))) {
n80= raw -q notice $nick :4,0Sorry, bitch mode is set for $3 and $2 is not in my op list on that channel
n81= }
n82= else {
n83= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0ok, done
n84= mode $3 +o $2
n85= }
n86= }
n87= else {
n88= %m = 0
n89= :nx
n90= inc %m
n91= if $chan(%m) != $null {
n92= if $2 ison $chan(%m) {
n93= if $2 isop $chan(%m) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : $2 is already opped
n94= elseif $me isop $chan(%m) {
n95= if ((%bitch [ $+ [ $chan(%m ] ] ) && ($notop($2,$chan(%m)))) {
n96= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ :Sorry, $2 is not in my op list on $chan(%m) and bitch mode is set for that channel
n97= }
n98= else { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : giving ops to $2 | mode $chan(%m) +o $2 }
n99= }
n100= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : I see $2 $+ , but I'm not opped on that channel
n101= }
n102= goto nx
n103= }
n104= }
n105= halt
n106= }
n108=on 50:TEXT:.deop*:?:{
n109= if $ulevel != 60 {
n110= if $2 = $null { raw q- PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .deop <nick> OR .deop <nick> <channel> | halt }
n111= botlog $nick Deop $2
n112= if $2 = $me { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Duh... hey Marge, I think I'll deop myself today | halt }
n113= if $a2($2) = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on | halt }
n114= if $3 != $null {
n115= if $me !ison $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm not on $3 $+ !
n116= elseif $me !isop $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Sorry, I can't help you because I am not a channel op on $3
n117= elseif $2 !ison $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not on $3 $+ !
n118= elseif $2 !isop $3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not opped on $3 $+ !
n119= elseif ($ismaster($2,$3)) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Sorry, $2 is in my userlist as a master or bot on $3
n120= else {
n121= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0ok, done
n122= mode $3 -o $2
n123= }
n124= }
n125= else {
n126= %m = 0
n127= :nx
n128= inc %m
n129= if $chan(%m) != $null {
n130= if $2 ison $chan(%m) {
n131= if $2 !isop $chan(%m) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : $2 is not opped
n132= elseif ($ismaster($2,$chan(%m))) {
n133= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : $2 is in my userlist as a master or bot
n134= }
n135= elseif $me isop $chan(%m) {
n136= mode $chan(%m) -o $2
n137= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : deopping $2
n138= }
n139= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $chan(%m) $+ : I see $2 $+ , but I'm not opped on that channel
n140= }
n141= goto nx
n142= }
n143= }
n144= halt
n145= }
n147=on 50:TEXT:.ban*:?:{
n148= if $ulevel != 60 {
n149= if $2 = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .ban <nick> <reason>, <reason> is optional | halt }
n150= if $3 = $null set %reason Requested
n151= else set %reason $3-
n152= botlog $nick Ban $2 ( $+ %reason $+ )
n153= if $2 = $me { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Duh... hey Marge, I think I'll ban myself today | halt }
n154= if ($gl($2) > 18) { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Sorry, $2 is in my userlist | halt }
n155= if $a2($2) = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on | halt }
n156= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0ok, adding $a3($2) to my permanent ban list
n157= addban $a3($2) global %reason
n158= %m = 0
n159= :nx
n160= inc %m
n161= if $chan(%m) != $null { kickbanall $a3($2) $chan(%m) %reason | goto nx }
n162= halt
n163= }
n165=on 50:TEXT:.say*:?:{
n166= if $ulevel != 60 {
n167= if $2 = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .say <text> OR .say <channel> <text>
n168= else {
n169= botlog $nick Say $2-
n170= if $left($2,1) = $chr(35) {
n171= if $me ison $2 msg $2 $3-
n172= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm not on $2
n173= }
n174= elseif $comchan($nick,0) != 0 msg $comchan($nick,1) $2-
n175= }
n176= halt
n177= }
n179=on 50:TEXT:.act*:?:{
n180= if $ulevel != 60 {
n181= if $2 = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .act <text> OR .act <channel> <text>
n182= else {
n183= botlog $nick Act $2-
n184= if $left($2,1) = $chr(35) {
n185= if $me ison $2 describe $2 $3-
n186= else raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm not on $2
n187= }
n188= elseif $comchan($nick,0) != 0 describe $comchan($nick,1) $2-
n189= }
n190= halt
n191= }
n193=on 50:TEXT:.part*:?:{
n194= if $ulevel != 60 {
n195= if $2 = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .part <channel> | halt }
n196= botlog $nick Part $2
n197= if $me ison $2 { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Parting $2 | part $2 }
n198= else { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I am not on $2 $+ ! }
n199= halt
n200= }
n202=on 50:TEXT:.join*:?:{
n203= if $ulevel != 60 {
n204= if $2 = $null { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .join <channel> | halt }
n205= botlog $nick Join $2
n206= if $left($2,1) != $chr(35) { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not a valid channel name! ( $+ $2 $+ ) | halt }
n207= if $me ison $2 { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm already on $2 $+ ! }
n208= else { raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Attempting to join $2 | join $2 }
n209= halt
n210= }
n212=on 50:TEXT:.addhost*:?:{
n213= if $ulevel != 60 {
n214= if $2 = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick 4,0Syntax: .addhost <nick> <hostmask>, <hostmask> is optional
n215= elseif $a2($2) = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on
n216= elseif $2 = $me raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I don't need to add my hostmask!
n217= else {
n218= set %temp $readini $ul Level $2
n219= if %temp = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not in my userlist
n220= else {
n221= if ($3 = $null) set %host $convert($a5($2))
n222= else set %host $3
n223= set %nick $2
n224= if ($al(%host) > 10) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ %host is already a known hostmask
n225= else { addhost $2 %host | raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Added %host to $2 }
n226= }
n227= }
n228= }
n230=on 50:TEXT:.adduser*:?:{
n231= if $ulevel != 60 {
n232= if (($4 != op) && ($4 != friend)) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .adduser <nick> <channel> <op OR friend>
n233= elseif $a2($2) = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on
n234= elseif ($me !ison $3) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0I'm not on $2 $+ !
n235= elseif (($4 = friend) && ($isfriend($2,$3))) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is already in my friends or above on $3
n236= elseif (($4 = op) && ($isop($2,$3))) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is already in my ops or above on $3
n237= elseif ($readini $ul Level $2 != $null) raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is already a recognized nick (try using .addhost)
n238= else {
n239= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0ok, adding $2 to my $4 $+ s list on $3
n240= set %addchan $3
n241= botlog $nick AddUser $2 (address $convert($2) $+ ) as $4
n242= if $4 = friend add $2 $convert($a5($2)) 20 $2
n243= else add $2 $convert($a5($2)) 40 $2
n244= }
n245= halt
n246= }
n248=on 50:TEXT:.remove*:?:{
n249= if $ulevel != 60 {
n250= if $2 = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Syntax: .remove <nick>
n251= elseif $a2($2) = $null raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Who? I don't see $2 on any channels I'm on
n252= elseif $gl($2) >= 50 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0Sorry, $2 is in my userlist as a master or bot. You cannot make me remove him or her.
n253= elseif $gl($2) = 1 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0 $+ $2 is not in my userlist!
n254= else {
n255= botlog $nick Remove $a5($2)
n256= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0ok, removing $2 from my userlist
n257= ru $2 $a5($2)
n258= }
n259= halt
n260= }
n262=on 50:TEXT:.help:?:{
n263= if $ulevel != 60 {
n264= botlog $nick Help
n265= set %tn3 $nick | play -ctbot $me $mircdirhelp\msghelp.hlp 1000
n266= halt
n267= }
n269=on 50:TEXT:.*:?:{
n270= if $ulevel != 60 {
n271= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :4,0What? Try .help
n272= }
n274=#BOT end